Is there a word for being excellent at something you hate doing?

I'm seeking a word or phrase which means being excellent at something you hate doing.

For example: I'm excellent at placing labor epidurals in pregnant women, it might even be my best skill. But, it is also one of my least favorite tasks to perform at work.

Example sentence:

Dave's skill at placing epidurals is only exceeded by his hatred of placing them. It's a great example of ............

While irony would fit here, I'm seeking a word or phrase that refers to this specific situation. Ideally, it would convey the whole concept of being good at it while hating it.

"embittering expertise", is a phrase that conveys the concept of being excellent at something you hate. Here's your example completed with the phrase:

Dave's skill at placing epidurals is only exceeded by his hatred of placing them. It's a great example of embittering expertise.

"embitter" is defined by as

Make (someone) feel bitter or resentful.

The very thing Dave excels at (his expertise) is what embitters him, so it's fitting to describe his situation as one of embittering expertise.