Looking for a word that means "overly conciliatory"

Taking an Ethics class, and in a unit of Aristotelean Virtue ethics, we are covering "The Mean."

Is there a word that means roughly, "seeking middle ground for middle ground's sake; compromising to a fault?" Seeking a middle ground or happy medium not because it is optimal or virtuous to do so, but just because it is the midpoint between two extremes of a certain behavior?

Thank you!

Solution 1:

It is not an exact match, but an accommodationist is pretty close:

A person who seeks compromise with an opposing point of view, typically a political one.

As noted, the word has a political connotation, and is also a term used to describe a judicial interpretation of how government should interact with religion.

... Accommodationists espouse the view that "religious individuals, and/or religious entities may be accommodated by government in regard to such things as free exercise rights, access to government programs and facilities, and religious expression."