How to use "thingamajig" [closed]

I know when I have to use thingamajig, yes, when I don't know the precise word during the conversation.

What I want to know:

  1. Is that word can be used in written language as well?

  2. How to use that word? Any example sentences would be appreciated.

I am adding one more questin.

  1. Can I use this word in questions?

Solution 1:

According to Merriam-Webster, it's basically a placeholder word for something else.

something that is hard to classify or whose name is unknown or forgotten

This would allow it to be used nearly any place a noun would be usable. And, generally speaking, any word that's used verbally can be written down.

That thingamajig broke while I was trying to fix the washing machine.

Hey, can you hand me the thingamajig to your left?

I got a new gadget last night. I saw the, uh, thingamajig on TV last week and it finally came in the mail. It slices, dices, and makes Julienne fries!

What's the name of that thingamajig over there? That thing next to the copier.

I need to order this thingamajig here, the whatchamacallit, um, the doohickey, ugh, this thingy. Oh, right it's a flour sifter.

Here's the definitions for the other words I used, which are similar and generally used interchangeably with thingamajig.


Whatchamacallit, a shortened version of "what you may call it",


A thing (used in a vague way to refer to something whose name one cannot recall)


something that is hard to classify or whose name is unknown or forgotten: THINGAMAJIG


As DJClayworth mentions, there's a few other words that mean the same thing. There's online examples for "oojamaflip", although I can't remember hearing it ever used. And a handy thesaurus gives us several other words that are essentially nonsense words that have gained a foothold, simply for their lack of specific meaning.

doodad, gizmo, thingamabob, widget, jigger

And another one I just remembered: whatsit. A similar word, whosit, is more generally used towards people rather than things, but saying "whosit-whatsit" can sometimes cover everything.

And I'm sure there's a wide variety of similar, locale/cultural specific words that I haven't listed in my not comprehensive list. It'd be interesting to have more suggestions in the comments, but I'm not sure if that's exactly relevant to the topic.