Word or phrase for clicking and ignoring

I am looking for a word or phrase that is used to describe when people using mobile applications (or desktop applications or websites) do not fully read some prompt/warning/error message and simply click the ok/ignore button.

Solution 1:

This is called popup blindness:

If they’ve been around the Internet for a while, it’s also possible that they’ve developed “popup blindness”.

That means they’ve conditioned themselves to ignore the popup or welcome gate entirely and to click out of it as quickly as they can. The result may just be a minor annoyance for the visitor, but it still does nothing for you, the business owner who wants to drive conversions on their site.

(Ironically, while browsing the site I found this quote on, I was presented with two pop ups, both of which I yeeted off my screen as fast as I could.)

Solution 2:

They don’t read the fine print.

Any example of this term used in a article about click-to-agree in websites at The Guardian begins:

Apparently losing rights to data and legal recourse is not enough of a reason to inspect online contracts. So how can websites get users to read the fine print?

Actually as the article says they often don’t even look at the fine print let alone read it!