word to describe an irritatingly overhelpful person [duplicate]

My mother-in-law is the type of person that compulsively OFFERS. It’s past good manners and etiquette and bordering on harassment. And it’s thoughtless but not really. Offering a diabetic pie and ice cream and knowing full well they shouldn’t have it and their issues with self-discipline. Relentlessly offering someone on a diet food after being asked not to repeatedly. She sees your legs are bare and offers you the very blanket she’s using, yet you said nothing about feeling chilled, and you’re an adult, fifty years old, not a child. Is there a word for someone who does this type of thing? No, she doesn’t have dementia or OCD. It’s like she sees herself as the solver, or the person that will make it better, but there is nothing wrong, nothing to make better, and eventually you just want to get away from her because it’s so RELENTLESS. She makes things up to “make better.” You can be asleep and she’ll wake you up to see if you need anything or if you needed to be woken up. (I’ve put so much detail because there was a similar question that didn’t get the right word provided, and I’d really like a word, so I can stop using all the other nasty words that are crowding my head!)

Your description is great. Very colourful. I don't think a single word can do it justice.

Fusspot is weak and rather childish.

The only expression I can think of with any teeth is mother hen. There's an accompanying pseudo-scientific 'mother hen syndrome'.

Maybe the reason we don't have a truly venomous name for such people is that they probably can't help themselves; and they always mean well. Or do they?