Meaning of bear and forbear? [closed]

Solution 1:

To bear means to accept and to endure here (definition 3, Lexico) and to forbear means to refrain, to control oneself (Lexico).

The proverb comes from a Stoicist motto sustine et abstine, to accept and endure external hardships and to abstain oneself from doing instinctive and emotional things in reaction.

In the sentence from the question, it means that "we are bound to accept and endure [life's challenges]".

Bear and forbear

Cf. Epictetus Fragments x. ἀνέχου καὶ ἀπέχου, be patient and endure; Erasmus Adages ii. vii. 13 sustine et abstine

  • 1573 T. TUSSER Husbandry (rev. ed.) II. 12V Both beare and forbeare, now and thenas ye may, then wench God a mercy [reward you], thy husband will say.
  • 1688 BUNYAN Discourse of Building, &c. House of God 53 To bear and forbear here, will tend to rest.
  • 1871 S. SMILES Character xi. The golden rule of married life is, ‘Bear and forbear’.
  • 1940 H. W. THOMPSON Body, Boots & Britches xix. You must take two bears two livewith you—Bear and Forbear.

The Oxford Dictionary of Proverbs (5 ed.)