How do I convert a Firestore date/Timestamp to a JS Date()?

The constructor for a JavaScript Date doesn't know anything about Firestore Timestamp objects - it doesn't know what to do with them.

If you want to convert a Timestamp to a Date, use the toDate() method on the Timestamp.

You can use toDate() function along with toDateString() to display the date part alone.

const date = dateCreated.toDate().toDateString()
//Example: Friday Nov 27 2017

Suppose you want only the time part then use the toLocaleTimeString()

const time = dateCreated.toDate().toLocaleTimeString('en-US')
//Example: 01:10:18 AM, the locale part 'en-US' is optional

Please use toDate() method and then convert it into the format using angular pipe like this -

   {{ row.orderDate.toDate() | date: 'dd MMM hh:mm' }}

You can use Timestamp.fromDate and .toDate for converting back and forth.

// Date to Timestamp
const t = firebase.firestore.Timestamp.fromDate(new Date());

// Timestamp to Date
const d = t.toDate();

How to convert Unix timestamp to JavaScript Date object.

var myDate = a.record.dateCreated;
new Date(myDate._seconds * 1000); // access the '_seconds' attribute within the timestamp object