React-router - How to pass data between pages in React?

I am working on a project where I have to pass data from one page to another. For example, I have data on the first page.

let data = [
  {id:1, name:'Ford', color:'Red'},
  {id:2, name:'Hyundai', color:'Blue'}

Here is the first component page where I render this list of data with the name.

class ListDetail extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
        <Hello name={} />
          {,i) => {
            return <li onClick={this.handleClick.bind(this,data)}>{}</li>

I want to pass this data to the next page where I need this data and more data than this. I am using React Router 4. Any suggestion or help would be helpful.

You can use the Link component from react-router and specify to={} as an object where you specify pathname as the route to go to. Then add a variable e.g. data to hold the value you want to pass on. See the example below.

Using the <Link /> component:

    pathname: "/page",
    state: data // your data array of objects

Using history.push()

  pathname: '/page',
    state: data // your data array of objects

Using either of the above options you can now access data on the location object as per the below in your page component.

render() {
  const { state } = this.props.location
  return (
    // render logic here

You can see an example of how to pass a value along with a route in another example here.

Best way to pass data to the target Component, just copy paste the code and see the magic, I also explained it in depth.

Remember: in react-router-dom v6 you can use hooks instead.

version 5.X

Let's suppose we have two Components first and second. The first has the link which will target the second component.

The first Component where the link is, by clicking the link you will go to the target path as in my case it is:"/details".

import React from 'react';
import {Link} from 'react-router-dom';

export default function firstComponent() {
    <Link to={{
      pathname: '/details',
      state: {id: 1, name: 'sabaoon', shirt: 'green'}
    }} >Learn More</Link>

Now in the second Component you can access the passed object as:

import React from 'react'

export default class Detials extends React.Component{




return (

     {/* the below is the id we are accessing */}

      hay! I am detail no {} and my name is 


 {/* press me to see the log in your browser console */}
<button onClick={()=>{this.alertMessage()}}>click me to see log</button>




note:In version 6 of react-router-dom the above method won't work on class components though you can use functional components of react by using useLocation hook and then you can draw the state object through that location in another component.

version 6

How to achieve the same using hooks v6 of react-router-dom

Let's suppose we have two functional components, first component A, second component B. The component A wants to share data to component B.

usage of hooks: (useLocation,useNavigate)

import {Link, useNavigate} from 'react-router-dom';

function ComponentA(props) {

  const navigate = useNavigate();

  const toComponentB=()=>{

  return (
<div> <a onClick={()=>{toComponentB()}}>Component B<a/></div>


export default ComponentA;

Now we will get the data in Component B.

import {useLocation} from 'react-router-dom';

 function ComponentB() {

    const location = useLocation();
        return (



export default ComponentB;