How to truncate a string in groovy?

How to truncate string in groovy?

I used:

def c = truncate("abscd adfa dasfds ghisgirs fsdfgf", 10)

but getting error.

Solution 1:

The Groovy community has added a take() method which can be used for easy and safe string truncation.


"abscd adfa dasfds ghisgirs fsdfgf".take(10)  //"abscd adfa"
"It's groovy, man".take(4)      //"It's"
"It's groovy, man".take(10000)  //"It's groovy, man" (no exception thrown)

There's also a corresponding drop() method:

"It's groovy, man".drop(15)         //"n"
"It's groovy, man".drop(5).take(6)  //"groovy"

Both take() and drop() are relative to the start of the string, as in "take from the front" and "drop from the front".

Online Groovy console to run the examples: — (note: the UI is really bad)

For additional information, see "Add a take method to Collections, Iterators, Arrays":

Solution 2:

In Groovy, strings can be considered as ranges of characters. As a consequence, you can simply use range indexing features of Groovy and do myString[startIndex..endIndex].

As an example,




Solution 3:

we can simply use range indexing features of Groovy and do someString[startIndex..endIndex].

For example:

def str = "abcdefgh"
def outputTrunc = str[2..5]
print outputTrunc



Solution 4:

To avoid word break you can make use of the java.text.BreakIterator. This will truncate a string to the closest word boundary after a number of characters.


package com.example

import java.text.BreakIterator

class exampleClass { 

    private truncate( String content, int contentLength ) {     
        def result

        //Is content > than the contentLength?
        if(content.size() > contentLength) {  
           BreakIterator bi = BreakIterator.getWordInstance()
           def first_after = bi.following(contentLength)

           result = content.substring(0, first_after) + "..."
        } else {
           result = content

        return result