What do you understand from this? Is this person a football player?

"I have always wanted to be a footballer. I am very happy because my dreams have come true. I don't see football as a job for me. I used to enjoy it, I still do."

This is not the full text but this part is probably the most important part. Is this person a football player? Because while reading this I thought this part had some kind of "contradiction"(idk if I am using the word correctly) in it. And I thought that the person didn't become a football player but still enjoyed playing football in his free time??? To be honest, the text was full of grammatical mistakes and one sentence had five "then"s in it. I am not fluent in English yet, however I can recognize some grammatical mistakes too. And instead of using "ball" or idk maybe "football ball" the person who wrote this chose to use "football"=> "I always wanted a football, then my dad bought me a football as present" this was in the text too. I am confused????

Solution 1:

Is this person a football player?


"I have always wanted to be a footballer."

Not useful information yet. Just information about a dream. A dream to be a footballer, i.e. somebody who plays the sport "football" (either professionally or otherwise).

"I am very happy because my dreams have come true."

Now we have a statement of fact: the dream came true. He is a footballer.

"I don't see football as a job for me. I used to enjoy it, I still do."

This is a bit of an idiom, but from it we can understand that:

  • it is a job for him (so he is a professional footballer); and
  • he nonetheless mentally considers it to not be a like a job, purely because it's so much fun!

We'll ignore the comma splice in the final sentence…

"I always wanted a football, then my dad bought me a football as present"

This part is fairly self-explanatory. Yes, a football is a round thing that you kick. ⚽ A football is the name of the kind of ball that is used in the game "football" (lol). He always wanted one, so it was nice that his dad bought him one. No doubt this helped with his career preparations!

Solution 2:

From this fragment I can understand, that the person in question is indeed a football player. That person has always dreamt about being a footballer (say, in their childhood), and now he (I presume it's a he) has become one. Even though he's a professional player now, he still cherishes the game itself and not the income he's getting from it. I don't know the context, but that's how I see it. Unless you mean the very word "footballer", but this is already explained in the above comments.