How to change the background color in SumatraPDF reader?

How to change the background color. I would like to change it to something easier to read, is there an option to change this anywhere?

If you run SumatraPDF with the command-line option -bg-color 0xffff99 it will launch SumatraPDF with the new background color, and save the background color as your default.

The 0xffff99 part is the hex code for a lighter yellow.

Alternatively, the following command line option can be used:

  • -invert-colors

    Swaps text and background color for most documents

Refer to for more information.

Refer to for more information regarding customizing colors in SumatraPDF-settings.txt (customizable by navigating to Menu -> Settings -> Advanced Settings)

Refer to to create a shortcut to always open SumatraPDF in this mode.

SumatraPDF website:

I found the solution. My setup is all black boarders and black start-up screen and total black in full-screen with white text.

Setting/Advanced Options, add line GradientColors to FixedPageUI then choose your hex color. Here is my setup for all black and white.

MainWindowBackground = #000000
EscToExit = false
ReuseInstance = false
UseSysColors = false
RestoreSession = true

FixedPageUI [
    TextColor = #ffffff
    BackgroundColor = #000000
    SelectionColor = #f5fc0c
    WindowMargin = 2 4 2 4
    PageSpacing = 4 4
    GradientColors = #000000

If you use dark theme for windows colors and want it used on SumatraPDF. Find SumatraPDF/SumatraPDF_settings.txt and one of the first lines UseSysColors can be changed from false to true.