How to add all titles to queue in Handbrake on OS X

Solution 1:

On the File menu, there's an Add All Titles To Queue... option.

Solution 2:

From the Handbrake manual, if you tick the checkbox "Use Auto Naming..." it will add title numbers to each file name when it adds it to the queue. I usually use this, then delete those I don't want from the queue.

Auto Naming output files HandBrake has the ability to automatically name the output file when you change the "Title" dropdown.

This feature can be controlled in HandBrakes Preferences window.

Solution 3:

To do large batches of titles without a lot of manual work, download the command line version of Handbrake and then run a script, e.g.

for i in {2..70}
   echo Doing track number $i...
   ./HandBrakeCLI -t $i -i /Volumes/MX1-0N-NW1_DES --preset iPad -o X-Men_Vol1_Disk1_Title$i.mp4

Solution 4:

those are titles, not chapters in the dropdown. You can set it to append the title number after your preset filename ({source}{title}{chapters}), but I haven't figured out how to make them do all of them without pulling down each one.