Count unique names in excel column range

I have an excel spread sheet that contains a list of server names in column B. The server names appear multiple times in this column.

I would like to count the number of unique server names in a give range.

The range is B2:B1400

I tried this but it returned 0


Would someone know how?

FREQUENCY doesn't work like that.

One of the quickest ways to get the distinct count would be to first filter out the duplicates and then select the records, right-click on bottom bar of Excel and check 'Count'.

See this post for getting the distinct values in Excel.

UPDATE: There are a bunch of ways you could achieve this..

This formula will give you a "distinct count" without any helper columns


Add a second column with


and then sum the column.

Each row will have a value corresponding to it's fraction of the total number of similar occurrences. The sum of all rows will give you the distinct count.

I know this has probably been answered but I was wrestling with this and found the following formula helpful.


Basically putting the MATCH formula instead of the cell references. Also found a video on YouTube