Markdown Preview Application for Windows [closed]

I have been using nvALT © Brett Terpstra 2010 which has the Markdown preview option for all the notes.
Is there any application on Windows end which has similar preview functionality. I understand that lot converters available but for the ease of use sake I am looking for an application with the similar preview option.

Solution 1:

I created a full-featured Markdown editor for Windows called MarkdownPad (, and it supports full live HTML preview:

MarkdownPad, the Markdown Editor for Windows

MarkdownPad is lightweight (only 1.5 MB, not including the .NET 4 Framework), and offers several great features:

  • Everything is customizable. Fonts, colors, sizes, and even the CSS stylesheet of the rendered HTML. The default CSS is beautiful and minimal, and will make your HTML documents look great.
  • Easy HTML export. You can export the full document as HTML, or just selected text.
  • Distraction-free Mode. This full-screen mode turns your whole monitor into a blank canvas for you to get some serious work done.
  • Frequent updates. I'm always improving MarkdownPad, and love hearing feedback from users.
  • Built natively for Windows. MarkdownPad was built from the ground up exclusively for Windows. It uses the latest Microsoft .NET 4 and Windows Presentation 4 Frameworks (translation: it's all kinds of shiny on the inside).

And I even wrote this post in MarkdownPad :)

Solution 2:

I use MarkPad. It's free. It's open source. It looks great. And, it's written in WPF (which I love).

Markdown For Windows

Solution 3:

If you use Visual Studio, the Markdown Mode extension is pretty handy for both Markdown syntax highlighting as well as displaying a live preview.

enter image description here

Solution 4:

ResophNotes supports Markdown with preview.

ResophNotes Screen shot

ReText is a Python app that supports Markdown Preview, but Windows doesn't appear to be the main target platform. I got it to work in Windows, but I had to download the icons separately and copy then into one of the app directories in order to get it to work properly.

ReText Screen shot

WriteMonkey also has Markdown support.

WriteMonkey Screen shot

Solution 5:

I've written a editor called Markdown Editor.

screen shot

You can read more about it at