Is there a Python equivalent to Perl's Data::Dumper for inspecting data structures?
Is there a Python module that can be used in the same way as Perl's Data::Dumper
Edit: Sorry, I should have been clearer. I was mainly after a module for inspecting data rather than persisting.
BTW Thanks for the answers. This is one awesome site!
Solution 1:
Data::Dumper has two main uses: data persistence and debugging/inspecting objects. As far as I know, there isn't anything that's going to work exactly the same as Data::Dumper.
I use pickle for data persistence.
I use pprint to visually inspect my objects / debug.
Solution 2:
I think the closest you will find is the pprint module.
>>> l = [1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> l.append(l)
>>> d = {1: l, 2: 'this is a string'}
>>> print d
{1: [1, 2, 3, 4, [...]], 2: 'this is a string'}
>>> pprint.pprint(d)
{1: [1, 2, 3, 4, <Recursion on list with id=47898714920216>],
2: 'this is a string'}
Solution 3:
Possibly a couple of alternatives: pickle, marshal, shelve.
Solution 4:
I too have been using Data::Dumper for quite some time and have gotten used to its way of displaying nicely formatted complex data structures. pprint as mentioned above does a pretty decent job, but I didn't quite like its formatting style. That plus pprint doesn't allow you to inspect objects like Data::Dumper does:
Searched on the net and came across these:
>>> y = { 1: [1,2,3], 2: [{'a':1},{'b':2}]}
>>> pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent = 4)
>>> pp.pprint(y)
{ 1: [1, 2, 3], 2: [{ 'a': 1}, { 'b': 2}]}
>>> print(Dumper.dump(y)) # Dumper is the python module in the above link
{ 1: [ 1 2 3 ] 2: [ { 'a': 1 } { 'b': 2 } ] }
>>> print(Dumper.dump(pp))
instance::pprint.PrettyPrinter __dict__ :: { '_depth': None '_stream': file:: > '_width': 80 '_indent_per_level': 4 }
Also worth checking is It has its own style and seems useful too.
Solution 5:
Here is a simple solution for dumping nested data made up of dictionaries, lists, or tuples (it works quite well for me):
def printStruct(struc, indent=0):
if isinstance(struc, dict):
print ' '*indent+'{'
for key,val in struc.iteritems():
if isinstance(val, (dict, list, tuple)):
print ' '*(indent+1) + str(key) + '=> '
printStruct(val, indent+2)
print ' '*(indent+1) + str(key) + '=> ' + str(val)
print ' '*indent+'}'
elif isinstance(struc, list):
print ' '*indent + '['
for item in struc:
printStruct(item, indent+1)
print ' '*indent + ']'
elif isinstance(struc, tuple):
print ' '*indent + '('
for item in struc:
printStruct(item, indent+1)
print ' '*indent + ')'
else: print ' '*indent + str(struc)
def printStruct(struc, indent=0):
if isinstance(struc, dict):
print (' '*indent+'{')
for key,val in struc.items():
if isinstance(val, (dict, list, tuple)):
print (' '*(indent+1) + str(key) + '=> ')
printStruct(val, indent+2)
print (' '*(indent+1) + str(key) + '=> ' + str(val))
print (' '*indent+'}')
elif isinstance(struc, list):
print (' '*indent + '[')
for item in struc:
printStruct(item, indent+1)
print (' '*indent + ']')
elif isinstance(struc, tuple):
print (' '*indent + '(')
for item in struc:
printStruct(item, indent+1)
print (' '*indent + ')')
else: print (' '*indent + str(struc))
See it at work:
>>> d = [{'a1':1, 'a2':2, 'a3':3}, [1,2,3], [{'b1':1, 'b2':2}, {'c1':1}], 'd1', 'd2', 'd3']
>>> printStruct(d)
a1=> 1
a3=> 3
a2=> 2
b1=> 1
b2=> 2
c1=> 1