Failed to install Vuex in Vue3

Solution 1:

When using Vue3, refer to Vuex 4 Documentation to install Vuex 4 with

npm install vuex@next --save

and when using Vue2, refer to Vuex 3 Documentation to install Vuex 3 with

npm install vuex --save

Solution 2:

had the same error just try npm install vuex@next --save instead of npm install vuex --save and it will work

Solution 3:

As @Seegy said,

  • Vue 3 uses Vuex 4
  • Vue 2 uses Vuex 3

As of Feb 2022,

  • If you are using Vue 2, use the following to install Vuex 3
  • If you are using Vue 3, use the following to install Vuex 4
    • npm install vuex --save or npm install vuex@next --save