Is there a hotkey to switch between tabs in the default terminal app?

Solution 1:

You can also use Ctrl+PgUp/PgDn to go to previous/next tab.

Solution 2:

You mean gnome-terminal?

To switch between tabs you can use Alt-n, where n is the tab ordinal number.

  • Alt+Maj+n if using an azerty keyboard, caps-locked or not...

By the way, this works the same in Gedit.

Solution 3:

I'm guessing you mean the default distributed (pre-installed) gnome-terminal.

You can set your own shortcuts easily, just go to menu Edit>Keyboard Shortcuts...

gnome-terminal keyboard shortcuts settings as seen on ubuntu 12.04

Bonus tip: If you wanna take a look to the real "native terminal" or tty (teletype interfase) just hit Ctrl+Alt+F1 (It works with almost any Function key), and don't panic, you can come back to the "graphical interfase" by hitting Ctrl+Alt+F7

Solution 4:

Simple and standard for all:

for switching/moving tabs:

Ctrl + pg up


Ctrl + pg dn

for positioning tabs (not switching):

if you want to position tabs, but not switch/move. is useful when too many tabs are open in web browser and or terminal and you want to group/lineup tabs. you can do this.

CtrlShift + pg up


CtrlShift + pg dn

Pro Tip:

try this in your browser tabs. and see what happens.

Solution 5:

For anyone using Konsole, that comes with Kubuntu (or KDE), the shortcut is -

Shift+, Shift+