Why use a helper function inside a recursive function?

Solution 1:

Tail recursion is an important optimization that makes recursive functions faster and avoids a "stack overflow" if the recursion is too deep.

Recursion without tail recursion

def factorial(n: Int): Int = {
  if (n <= 0) 1
    else n * factorial(n - 1)

What happens when I want to calculate factorial(10)? First, I calculate factorial(9); Then, I multiply the result by 10. This means that while I am calculating factorial(9), I need to keep a note somewhere: "Remember, when you're done with factorial(9), you still need to multiply by 10!".

And then in order to calculate factorial(9), I must first calculate factorial(8), then multiply the result by 9. So I write a little note "Remember to multiply by 9 when you have the result of factorial(8).

This goes on; finally I arrive at factorial(0), which is 1. By this time I have ten little notes that say "Remember to multiply by 1 when you're done with factorial(0)", "Remember to multiply by 2 when you're done with factorial(1)", etc.

Those notes are called "the stack" because they are quite literally stacked on top of each other. If the stack gets too big, the program crashes with a "stack overflow".

Tail recursion

def factorial(n: Int): Int = {
  @tailrec def go(n: Int, acc: Int): Int = {
    if (n <= 0 ) acc
    else go(n - 1, n*acc)
  go(n, 1)

The function go in this program is different. In order to calculate go(10, 1) you need to calculate go(9, 10); but when you have finished calculating go(9, 10), you don't need to do anything else! You can return the result directly. So there is no need to keep a little note "remember to multiply the result by 10 after the recursive call". The compiler optimizes this behaviour: instead of stacking the call to go(9, 10) on top of the call to go(10, 1), it replaces the call to go(10, 1) with the call to go(9, 10). Then it replaces the call to go(9, 10) with a call to go(8, 90). So the stack never increases during the recursion. This is called tail recursion because the recursive call is the last thing that happens in the execution of the function (in particular, the multiplication by 10 happens when evaluating the arguments).

Solution 2:

Because of tailrec (tail recursion optimization).

Without it would be a stack overflow (how ironic this question at this site) exception at some point and it is much less efficient (by memory mainly).

Important to note that @tailrec annotation doesn't do or apply tailrec optimization but just enforces the compiler to fail if it couldn't be optimized.

And tail recursion optimization demands that your next iteration function call should be EXACTLY the returning expression (without additional operations or calculations in it).