Is it possible to finish main quest while being wanted dead in all holds?

I'm thinking of playing an Outlaw challenge game, with the following rules:

1) as soon as you escape Helgen, visit each Hold and get 1000+ bounty in each, making guards hunt you down on sight

2) never get rid of the bounty (i.e. no paying it, no serving jailtime etc.)

I'm wondering how much of the game can be completed while being a wanted outlaw. In particular, can you finish the main storyline that way? I understand that I will often have to fight my way through towns, but is it possible in principle? Or would storyline NPCs be hostile?

Solution 1:

Yes, it is possible to finish main quest.
No NPC except guards will be hostile to you, but it will be almost impossible to chat with main quest NPC, because guards will attack you while you are chatting.
NOTICE: it may be impossible without calm spells because if you attack a guard, a main quest NPC may and will attack you!

Example: when you enter Dragonsreach to talk to the jarl, there will be about 2-3 guards near the door, and about 10 more in the rest of the palace. When they will attack you you will have no choice but to fight back, when you will fight back ALL of the people in the palace will be hostile to you, even the jarl!