How to express the willingness to learn things necessary on the job?

I am applying for a job in finance where I think I am just a beginner. So there are a lot of things I will learn on the job. I want to express that I am ready for it and to make clear that I am an career entrant. I thought about something like:

"I am willing to enhance my knowledge in finance."

I am not happy with this and I do not know how to express what I want in a nice sentence. So I want to state that I am ready to expand my knowledge where it is necessary and that I am eager to learn new technologies (which are necessray for this) job on the job.


"I am keen to learn more about finance and the technologies required to work with it".

'Finance' is a very general term that encompasses a multitude of specialized evils. In your situation, I think I'd try to replace it with a term that narrows the focus of interest, and which therefore makes it seem as though you have a firmer sense of the direction you want to pursue within this large field.