Can you resize a Keynote slide without resizing text?

Keynote files are zipped XML files. I created some little Apple Script to resize keynote files.

Some caveats:

  • It always resizes all slides, no selection possible. Maybe you can export the slides you want to resize to another file and only resize this, afterwards merging it back.
  • It requires xsltproc which is not included in Mac OS X by default. Choose between
    • Install XCode (from Mac App Store, command line tools only are fine, too) or
    • Install libxslt, eg. using homebrew: brew install libxslt
  • Following the comments, Apple changed the data format from Keynote '09 to the current version. Please save your document as a Keynote '09 document, as the script is not (yet) able to deal with the new format.

Though I don't believe the script could mess anything up, please do a backup before applying it!

keyresize now resides on github.

  1. Select all the stuff on the page.
  2. Cut it.
  3. Change the doc size.
  4. Paste it back.

Text comes in just like it was.