How to config Amazon Route53 working without www in sub-domain

Solution 1:

You can't use a CNAME for the root-level domain, it violates the RFCs and can cause a number of problems. Unfortunately, Amazon doesn't have a workaround for S3-hosted websites.

edit: Amazon now supports this.

There are services like WWWizer that you can use to redirect to the WWW, but they're not a perfect solution.

Solution 2:

Create a resource record set (Type A - IPv4 address) that "has the same name as the hosted zone by leaving the Name field blank".

Amazon Route 53 - Edit Record Set

This is the warning Route 53 gives when trying to add the name "@", which I was custom too using for Bind nameservers. So don't use '@', use an empty name ''.

Solution 3:

If you want to point your root domain to service from AWS:

  • create a record of type A - IPv4 Address.
  • then select Yes for Alias.
  • Alias Target will list autocomplete for your AWS resources.