Writing a list of books in the statement of purpose

I'm currently writing a statement of purpose for graduate school application. I would like to know the best way to present the list of books that I have independently studied.

I wrote the following paragraph:

I taught myself mathematics by studying some textbooks in depth. I would like to mention a few: 1) Hatcher's, May's, and Spanier's Algebraic topology" 2) Griffiths', and Fulton's books on Algebraic geometry

Every item in that list corresponds to the books that I have studied in a certain subject.

I would like to know if this is a good way to present it.


Be brief and concise. You don't have to say "in depth," since that's assumed. The best wording is actually what you used in the question, then a bullet list with author names and book titles. If titles are self-explanatory, then no need to append field (don't capitalize).

My independent study has included:

  • Hatcher, [Book title] (algebraic topology)
  • May, [Book title] (algebraic topology)
  • Spanier, [Book title] (algebraic topology)
  • Griffith, [Book title] (algebraic geometry)
  • Fulton, [Book title} (algebraic geometry)