Does "heuristic" have an antonym?

Heuristic - proceeding to a solution by trial and error or by rules that are only loosely defined

Analytics - the systematic computational analysis of data or statistics

I'm not sure if these are in fact antonyms, but the fit seems appropriate in the context of computing.

In the educational sense of heuristic then didactic in its sense of "instructing" would be a rough antonym.

In the computer science sense, classic is often used as an antonym of the use in an approach, provable as an antonym of the results (since with the classic approach we should be able to prove the algorithm, security, speed, memory use, etc. while with a heuristic approach we cannot).

In law, "case-by-case" or "case-by-case analysis" would be antonyms to the heuristic approach.

I would say the opposite of "heuristic" would be "deductive". Heuristic reasoning is based on experience or probabilistic approaches that are likely to find adequate solutions. Deductive reasoning is based on provable inferences to reach a logically certain conclusion.