Was “drama queen” a gay slang expression originally?

According to Greens Dictionary of Slang the expression drama queen is a from gay slang and dates to the early nineties.

(orig. gay) anyone considered to be making an excessive fuss or ‘making a mountain out of a molehill’;

  • 1991 [US] D. Gaines Teenage Wasteland 71: Joe was very intense, a real drama queen.

Actually earlier usages appear to have a different connotation, such as the following from Rock singer Marianne Faifhfull who used the expression in a interview on Billboard some ten years earlier: (Oct 17, 1981)

“That root of anger and sorrow was exorcised”, she continues "This is a bit of affirmation I didn't want to be known as the great drama queen of rock'n'roll, though I could have been”.

and the website wordsmith.org suggests a much earlier origin:

From Greek drama (action, play) + Old English cwen (woman, queen). Earliest documented use: 1923.

but I couldn’t find examples of such early usages.

Was the expression from gay slang or was it originally a theatrical expression which was later adopted by the gay community with the current connotation?

The 1923 date comes from the OED, citing a Washington Post article:

If he is thwarted in his effort to enjoy them, he may either go to the dogs or the drama queens, become short-tempered, sullen, grouchy and eventually feel that, in a way he is a failure.

This article is about man caves, and is actually very heteronormative (as one would expect for this time period).

What about gay usage specifically? Well, I’m still looking into this, but I did find an example from in an article called Positive Thoughts on C.H.E. (published in Lunch in London, 1972) by gay author Chris Brooks:

A number of gays would like to work full-time for CHE or other homophile organizations. They are at best potential martyrs, and at worst drama queens.

I also found an article called The Adventures of Super Gay: Part III — in Hot (and Sweaty) Pursuit (published in Gay News in London, 1974), which is a gay parody of superheroes:

"We're all behind you, Super-Gay."

In minutes, they had arrived outside 'Bona Mops' [the employment agency] and they both dashed in contriving as they did so to knock over a pottled palm and a tall thin man with a filleted wrist.

"Drama queens! That's all I need, drama queens!"