Mac firewall blocking nginx (port 80) from external side

I installed nginx using ports and started it with sudo. Accessing the nginx welcome page from localhost works perfectly, however accessing it from an external computer fails.

Doing an nmap on the computer from the outside reveals

80/tcp   filtered http

So clearly the mac firewall is blocking the port. I then proceed to add the nginx executable to the firewall exception list, however the nmap still shows up as port 80 being filtered and I'm unable to access the webpage. The exact binary that is in the list is /opt/local/sbin/nginx which to my knowledge seems correct

Any ideas what I should do? Thanks!

P.S. Turning the firewall off does allow me to access the website from the outside world, however that isn't an ideal solution.

Solution 1:

This worked for me (OSX 10.9):

sudo /usr/libexec/ApplicationFirewall/socketfilterfw --add /usr/local/Cellar/nginx/1.4.4/bin/nginx
sudo /usr/libexec/ApplicationFirewall/socketfilterfw --unblockapp /usr/local/Cellar/nginx/1.4.4/bin/nginx

When tried doing it through symlink (to avoid redoing this process when nginx is upgraded), got the following error: The application is not part of the firewall after running:

sudo /usr/libexec/ApplicationFirewall/socketfilterfw --unblockapp /usr/local/bin/nginx

Solution 2:

Been trying to figure this out for ages, eventually doing the following in the terminal:

$ sudo /usr/libexec/ApplicationFirewall/socketfilterfw --remove /usr/local/Cellar/nginx/1.10.0/bin/nginx
Application at path ( /usr/local/Cellar/nginx/1.10.0/bin/nginx ) removed from firewall

$ sudo /usr/libexec/ApplicationFirewall/socketfilterfw --add /usr/local/Cellar/nginx/1.10.0/bin/nginx
The application is already a part of the firewall

$ sudo /usr/libexec/ApplicationFirewall/socketfilterfw --unblockapp /usr/local/Cellar/nginx/1.10.0/bin/nginx
Incoming connection to the application is permitted

And it seemed to fix the issue.

I did also drag the nginx application into the approved applications list on OS X firewall.