Is it possible to check whether -e is set within a bash script?

Solution 1:

You have the flags currently set in the variable $-, so you can preserve this at the start of function and restore it after.

if [[ $save =~ e ]]
then set -e
else set +e

Solution 2:

You can read the flag value thru the variable SHELLOPTS:

  > set +e 
  > echo $SHELLOPTS
  > set -e 
  > echo $SHELLOPTS

You see that, after setting set -e, the value errexit in $SHELLOPTS appears. You can check it from there.

However, you can get around this (if you wish!) by remembering the following point: according to the Manual:


..... This option applies to the shell environment and each subshell environment separately.

Thus, if you execute your function in a subshell, like


you do not have to worry whether the errexit variable is set or not in calling environment, and you may set it as you like.

Solution 3:

Another way would be to use the shopt builtin (with the -o flag, to access the right set of options, from set -o; and the -q flag, to just quietly provide the setting via the exit code from shopt). So, something like this:

# save the previous "set -e" setting
shopt -oq errexit && set_e_used=$? || set_e_used=$?
set +e

...your code here...

# restore the previous "set -e" setting
if [[ $set_e_used -eq 0 ]]; then
    set -e
    set +e