Setup -N parameter in SSH Config File

Answered here Starting in OpenSSH 7.6, there is an option called RemoteCommand. Try adding to your config file:

RemoteCommand cat

When using this, I also like to also include:

LogLevel DEBUG

Which OS? Do a man ssh_config and see if your ssh has such an option. On linux it this option is not available as a config parameter. As far as I know, I think the same is true with other openssh or similar clients in other platforms.

actually -N is not a parameter but just a flag like -l or else

if you don't want to have command ssh -N -l username HOSTNAME you can create alias ssh = "ssh -N" (on the host from where you want to ssh to your gitolite server.

another idea that came to my mind , the slowness of ssh can be because of DNS also, on connection server is trying to resolve hostname of machine which is trying to connect and if there are a wrong entry in DNS or no info available it will become slow on connection
