Single word for being half in this world, half in some other spooky plane of existence

liminal is the exact word for this context.

  1. Adjective: of, relating to, or situated at a sensory threshold : barely perceptible or capable of eliciting a response

  2. Adjective: of, relating to, or being an intermediate state, phase, or condition : IN-BETWEEN, TRANSITIONAL

ORIGIN OF LIMINAL 1880–85; < Latin līmin- (stem of līmen) threshold + -al

Example of use from 2: And the restaurant seems to inhabit a liminal zone between full service and casual, clearly refined in the past two years to serve both new and longtime neighbors. — Jen Thomas,, "Bay Briefing: What we know about the Gilroy shooting so far," 29 July 2019

Apart from bearing the right meaning, the more subtle reasons I like liminal for this context are that it speaks somewhat of erudition, and that it has a strong connection with the psychological.

Intermundane can be considered.

existing between worlds


Etymology of the word:

inter- prefix + Latin mundus world, mundānus of or belonging to the world

It is more of a futuristic term in terms of astronomy but it mostly appears in fantasy or religion context when I search the word.

Etymonline includes a note about intermundane under interplanetary:

Boyle and Locke both used intermundane in the same sense; the Roman Epicureans had intermundia (neuter plural) for "spaces between the worlds" (translating Greek metakosmia).

Intermundia is a slightly different term and the singular from is intermundium which is defined as:

space between worlds
