What color is a wolf's coat?

Wolves "look" gray, but their fur is actually made of hairs where each individual hair is one of several colors (black, white and red, IIRC) depending on if you look at the tip, middle, or root.

I'm recalling that I once came across a word that describes this, but can't find it again. Does anyone know the word? (IIRC there is a Wikipedia article on it.)

I believe it is not any of:

  • gray/grey (duh)
  • taupe
  • roan
  • tricolor
  • varicolor

...but it's possible I'm wrong. In any case, a source that matches the above description is appreciated. Googling has been... unhelpful; I either haven't hit on the right combination of terms, or am being buried in unrelated results.

The gray wolf can actually range in color from pure white to solid black, but the most common shade is a tawny brown in which the wolf’s guard hairs are banded with black, white, gold and brown. This banded coloration is known as agouti, and is found in a number of wild species.



A grizzled coat type in various animals that is produced by alternate bands of light and dark color on each hair shaft.


Just in case it wasn't Agouti you were thinking of, it may have also been the world 'Brindle', which is often used to describe the coats of certain domesticated dogs - but it's also something that can be used to describe wolves' coats.

Here's the wiki page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brindle

... and here's a wolf with an brindle coloring (with a bit of distinctive face colorings.)

Wolf with Brindle Coat