What is an adjective for something that is both offensive and funny?

At work we were discussing a topic that ended up being offensive and funny at the same time. As a result of this discussion, we decided we need to know if there is an adjective that would mean the something is both offensive and funny.

Solution 1:

(As suggested following my earlier comment) Scurrilous:

Humorously insulting: a very funny collection of bawdy and scurrilous writings (-- Oxford Dictionaries Online)

I think it suggests mischief rather than hilarity, but it may be as close as you'll get. Humour and Horror aren't natural bedfellows (which is why the combination can be so delicious).

Solution 2:

Off-Color is the expression usually used for jokes and humor that has a substantial and generally recognized offensive element. Link-MW

Bawdy could also work, if the humor is offensive due to sexual content. Link-MW

Solution 3:

Ribald seems to fit.

referring to sexual matters in an amusingly rude or irreverent way.

Solution 4:

I can come up with "coarse humor"

  • coarse - rude or offensive

"She found the coarse humor of her coworkers offensive."


"grossly comic" means that in addition to being funny, something is also rude and offensive.


Did you find the play funny ?

Yes, funny, grossly funny.

Solution 5:



verging on impropriety or indecency: off-color : risqué jokes



Slightly improper or indelicate; suggestive; risqué : a racy joke



Off-color, risqué : blue jokes
