How to display network manager icon on the Xfce panel?
Solution 1:
For the benefit of further readers having the same problem I would like to note that I managed to get the indicators to show up in the xfce4 indicator area without using the indicator plugin.
I fiddled with the settings, but I think the key point was to deactivate the gnome indicators that I marked with red in the screen shot. I reckon these are gnomish programs that might indeed need the indicator-plugin. As can be seen at the top right of the screen shot, at least the network manager and the power indicator appear. Whether there is something special for bluetooth in xfce4, I don't know.
Solution 2:
Make sure you have both Notification Area and Indicator Plugin on your panel.
Solution 3:
Test this:
Edit /etc/xdg/autostart/nm-applet.desktop:
sudo su
nano /etc/xdg/autostart/nm-applet.desktop
Go down to the Exec line.
Change the entry:
dbus-launch nm-applet
Save the file -- Control + O
Close nano -- Control + X
Login and you will see that the n-m icon is now back.