Why doesn't 'systemctl reboot' work?

Solution 1:

This does not answer Why doesn't 'systemctl reboot' work?, but it may solve your problem.

Try with

$ sudo shutdown
$ sudo shutdown -r

You could configure your system so you don't need sudo as well.

Yet another option is to add acpi=noirq to the grub line.

A possible cause is Nvidia drivers.

To dig a little further, please read and post the output of journalctl that includes a failed shutdown/reboot, with

$ journalctl --list-boots > boots.txt
$ journalctl --no-pager -b > boot_minus0.txt
$ journalctl --no-pager -b -1 > boot_minus1.txt

This creates files that you can later upload to pastebin. Make your effort in inspecting them.


  1. https://www.debian.org/releases/buster/amd64/ch08s01.en.html