How do I use the awesome window manager?
I've installed awesome on my Ubuntu laptop, and I like it. But I feel kind of lost. I don't know any keyboard shortcuts and the man pages aren't really any help (for instance, what does Mod4 mean?).
Is there any kind of brief introduction to awesome I can read?
Solution 1:
Here is one person's introduction
Here is a guide to installing it with Ubuntu
And here is a history and additional links via Wikipedia
Hope that helps!
Solution 2:
I assume Mod4 is the same as meta which is the Windows key on most modern keyboards.
Solution 3:
Here is my bare bones intro to awesome window manager: First few lines:
The main keys you need to know are:
- ⌘+space = change screen layout type
- ⌘+shift + space = change screen layout type, cycling backwards
- ⌘+j = go to the next window on this desktop (focus on, as if you had hovered your mouse over it … but without needing to reach over to the mouse)
- ⌘+k = go to the previous window on this desktop
- ⌘+J = swap this window and the next one
- ⌘+K = swap this window and the previous one
- ⌘+h = → the center partition squashing the right pane(s)
- ⌘+l = ← the center partition expanding the right pane(s)
- ⌘+← = desktop to the left
- ⌘+→ = desktop to the right
- ⌘+9 = desktop number nine
Notice that h,j,k,l are the right-handed home row keys on a QWERTY|AZERTY.
Solution 4:
Press Mod4
(typically this would be the Wind*ws key and Enter) to open a terminal and then enter man awesome
. A list of default key-bindings is shown.