Change tab spacing in TextEdit on OS X

How do you change the tab spacing for TextEdit? The default is too big (8 spaces, I think).

I'm using OS X Mavericks.

For plaintext tabs, you don't need to replace the entire TextEdit app to change it. I looked at the source they changed and it provides the simpler answer: Open the Terminal and type

defaults write "TabWidth" '4'

Where '4' is the number of spaces a tab should be.

UPDATE APRIL 2015: This Textedit has stopped working for me. All windows are invisible.

A kindly soul has slightly modified TextEdit to add a field, "Tab Width", at the bottom of the "New Document" tab of the "Preferences" window.

Type in a number between 1 and 100 (inclusive) and it will change the width of tabs to that number (in character widths).

Download at

Since I couldn't replace the main TextEdit app, I renamed the modified one

[update] A better solution is to right click on both the old and new versions and select "show package contents". You can then replace the contents of the existing app with the contents of the tab-friendly app.