The person version of second country [closed]

The person version of second country

Like average looking, average money, average car, average house...

Not best of me. Not just about money

Sum of living in the middle

How to call this?

Edit: It's like I am in a middle class without class concept. More vague.

Solution 1:

Such a person is an 'average Joe' or 'average Jane' (depending on their gender - I'm not aware of an equivalent expression for non-binary persons).

The terms average Joe, ordinary Joe, Joe Sixpack, Joe Lunchbucket, Joe Snuffy, Joe Schmo (for males) and ordinary Jane, average Jane, and plain Jane (for females), are used primarily in North America to refer to a completely average person, typically an average American. It can be used both to give the image of a hypothetical "completely average person" or to describe an existing person. Parallel terms in other languages for local equivalents exist worldwide.

(source: Wikipedia)