How Do I change Default Wine Browser to Native Ubuntu Browser instead of IE?

I am running Wine 1.6.2 for use with Evernote. Some of my notes have links in them and by default they are launched using the Wine version of IE. I'd rather use my native browser(s) Firefox or Chrome. How does one change it so that links are opened instead by my local browsers?

  1. wine regedit
  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER -> Software -> Wine
  • Create WineBrowser key if it doesn't exist
  • Create Browser string if it doesn't exist under WineBrowser
  • Edit Browser string to read the following
    • xdg-open,firefox,konqueror,mozilla,netscape,galeon,opera,dillo
  • Save in regedit
  1. wine regedit
  • HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT -> http -> shell -> open
  • Create/Edit command key to read the following
    • C:\windows\system32\winebrowser.exe -nohome "%1"
  • Save in regedit
  1. Completely close out of Wine and reload Wine.


Here, we are setting xdg-open to be the first Browser, and then changing the behaviour of command by adding "%1" as an argument. Be sure to perform step #2 for both http and https to support both protocols, as mentioned in comments below.