Computer boots automatically into GNU GRUB, no other options

Currently, when I start my computer, this screen is shown. I do not have any other options, it boots into this within a second of starting my computer.

enter image description here

I used to have Windows 8.1 dual booted with Ubuntu. Today I decided that I don't need Ubuntu anymore and would rather have the extra space. These are the steps I took:

  • Opened disk manager. Deleted the partitions I believed to be Ubuntu (99% sure I allocated 100GB right next to my D: partition, and that's what I deleted and merged with D). There were 3 partitions next to D, which I believe somehow all belonged to Ubuntu, and when added together were 100GB. They were all marked as "Healthy primary partition"
  • Went into the UEFI settings and enabled Secure Boot, disabled CSM
  • Restarted and landed on the above screen.

If I do ls I get the following options:

(hd0) (hd0,gpt6) (hd0,gpt5) (hd0,gpt4) (hd0,gpt3) (hd0,gpt2) (hd0,gpt1)

When I do ls (hd0,gpt1) I get

Filesystem is fat

Everything else returns

Filesystem is unknown

I have previously made a recovery USB for my Windows, but I don't know how to boot from it. I don't particularly care about the stuff I had on my Windows machine and all I really want is to have a computer that boots into Windows. If I could have it as it was out of the box, that would be great. Any advice on how I should proceed?

Thank you

Solution 1:

Here's what worked for me. First of all, to quit GRUB2, if I ran exit twice, my computer would finally boot into Windows.

I then had to go to my UEFI settings:

  • Open charms bar (swipe from the right in)
  • Click Settings
  • Change PC settings (located at the bottom)
  • Update and Recovery
  • Recovery
  • Under Advanced Start Up, click Restart now

Once there, I was able to open the Boot menu from under the advanced options and I deleted the ubuntu entries.

Afterwards, I reinstalled Windows, though I don't think that's necessary. If you want to reinstall, that option is also under the PC Settings -> Update and Recovery -> Recovery.

Solution 2:

I accidentally made my computer boot to GNU GRUB, so I understand your issue.

I just enter exit until it boots to OS.