How to create custom easing function with Core Animation?

Solution 1:

I found this:

Cocoa with Love - Parametric acceleration curves in Core Animation

But I think it can be made a little simpler and more readable by using blocks. So we can define a category on CAKeyframeAnimation that looks something like this:


// this should be a function that takes a time value between 
//  0.0 and 1.0 (where 0.0 is the beginning of the animation
//  and 1.0 is the end) and returns a scale factor where 0.0
//  would produce the starting value and 1.0 would produce the
//  ending value
typedef double (^KeyframeParametricBlock)(double);

@interface CAKeyframeAnimation (Parametric)

+ (id)animationWithKeyPath:(NSString *)path 


@implementation CAKeyframeAnimation (Parametric)

+ (id)animationWithKeyPath:(NSString *)path 
      toValue:(double)toValue {
  // get a keyframe animation to set up
  CAKeyframeAnimation *animation = 
    [CAKeyframeAnimation animationWithKeyPath:path];
  // break the time into steps
  //  (the more steps, the smoother the animation)
  NSUInteger steps = 100;
  NSMutableArray *values = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:steps];
  double time = 0.0;
  double timeStep = 1.0 / (double)(steps - 1);
  for(NSUInteger i = 0; i < steps; i++) {
    double value = fromValue + (block(time) * (toValue - fromValue));
    [values addObject:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:value]];
    time += timeStep;
  // we want linear animation between keyframes, with equal time steps
  animation.calculationMode = kCAAnimationLinear;
  // set keyframes and we're done
  [animation setValues:values];


Now usage will look something like this:

// define a parametric function
KeyframeParametricBlock function = ^double(double time) {
  return(1.0 - pow((1.0 - time), 2.0));

if (layer) {
  [CATransaction begin];
      setValue:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:2.5]

    // make an animation
    CAAnimation *drop = [CAKeyframeAnimation 
      function:function fromValue:30.0 toValue:450.0];
    // use it
    [layer addAnimation:drop forKey:@"position"];

  [CATransaction commit];

I know it might not be quite as simple as what you wanted, but it's a start.

Solution 2:

From iOS 10 it became possible to create custom timing function easier using two new timing objects.

1) UICubicTimingParameters allows to define cubic Bézier curve as an easing function.

let cubicTimingParameters = UICubicTimingParameters(controlPoint1: CGPoint(x: 0.25, y: 0.1), controlPoint2: CGPoint(x: 0.25, y: 1))
let animator = UIViewPropertyAnimator(duration: 0.3, timingParameters: cubicTimingParameters)

or simply using control points on animator initialization

let controlPoint1 = CGPoint(x: 0.25, y: 0.1)
let controlPoint2 = CGPoint(x: 0.25, y: 1)
let animator = UIViewPropertyAnimator(duration: 0.3, controlPoint1: controlPoint1, controlPoint2: controlPoint2) 

This awesome service is going to help to choose control points for your curves.

2) UISpringTimingParameters lets developers manipulate damping ratio, mass, stiffness, and initial velocity to create desired spring behavior.

let velocity = CGVector(dx: 1, dy: 0)
let springParameters = UISpringTimingParameters(mass: 1.8, stiffness: 330, damping: 33, initialVelocity: velocity)
let springAnimator = UIViewPropertyAnimator(duration: 0.0, timingParameters: springParameters)

Duration parameter is still presented in Animator, but will be ignored for spring timing.

If these two options are not enough you also can implement your own timing curve by confirming to the UITimingCurveProvider protocol.

More details, how to create animations with different timing parameters, you can find in the documentation.

Also, please, see Advances in UIKit Animations and Transitions presentation from WWDC 2016.