OS X application shortcut folder in dock and icon updates after installation

Here is the setup: I have the Applications folder right in the dock, which is the default after installation afaik.

Now I have a custom build DMG with an application in there which I drag&drop into the Application folder. When I open the Application folder from the dock and look for the newly installed app, it does not have the application icon it should.

The App is custom build as well. It uses the info.plist to specify the icon file to be used - which is called cc.icns and located in the Contents/Resources folder

I think this might be a problem with the icon cache and can be resolved by logout/login - a solution that I'm not looking for. Afaik there are apps that do not have this problem. (Right? Wrong?)

Any suggestions on this?

If you want to avoid the Login/Logout, restarting the dock should be enough: killall Dock from the Terminal should be enough.

In other words, to conclude the answers I've seen to date, there is no such solution without taking further action since the systems security mechanisms is built that way.

Apparently there's an application that takes care of the quarantining 'problem' - that is, when an application is first installed, OS X will not launch it without approval from you, the first time only.

There is a utility that can get around this called Deeper. (http://www.titanium.free.fr/download.php)

Or you can copy/paste this into terminal. defaults write com.apple.LaunchServices LSQuarantine -bool NO

(Source: http://hints.macworld.com/article.php?story=20071029151619619)