How do I connect the location of a calendar event with the iPad maps app?

I would like to be able to either navigate from a calendar event to its location within maps, or view all upcoming events on a map. Preferably, both.

How do I connect the location of a calendar event with the iPad maps app?

Solution 1:

Sadly, (as of iOS 4), this cannot be done. The location field of an event does not recognise an address, no matter how perfectly you enter it.

[UPDATE] In iOS 5, the location field in any calendar event will (if properly formatted) hyperlink to the Maps app.

Solution 2:

It wouldn't be a perfect solution, but you could try pasting in a link into you calendar events. For example:,+Cupertino,+CA,+United+States&sll=37.331693,-122.030764&sspn=0.007311,0.009871&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=1+Infinite+Loop,+Cupertino,+Santa+Clara,+California+95014&ll=37.331906,-122.031262&spn=0.007311,0.009871&z=17

If you open this link on an iPad it should take you to the Maps application.

But you would have to do this manually on a computer for each event.