Can I possibly recover the Windows system partition that I deleted (100MB)?

Solution 1:

Disconnect the drive and stop using it for now. Otherwise you may risk overwriting files.

After you do that I advise you to download a LiveCD to try to recover that. I usually go with Hiren.

Download it, burn on a CD and boot from it. Once there, start the Mini Windows XP. Once in there, use the tools there to try to recover the partition.

The very first thing I'd do is to make and image of the disk to another place so you won't risk losing the stuff. It's been a while since I had this problem but I think Partition Saving can help you there. If not, there's other tools there. Give them a try. There's more tools on the Restored Version - the normal version has only free softwares.

If you don't have a spare disk/space to save the data you may lose some data since the files might be overwritten.

There's even a tutorial on Hiren's to help you recover data. Go check it.

Solution 2:

Thank you all, After trying numerous partition recovery tools I finally found one that worked. (Active Partition Recovery)

It allowed me to mount the deleted partition and none of my data was harmed.