Long delay to display passwords stored by Google

If you are using latest version 51.0.2704.84 of Chrome on Ubuntu 14 or 16 and still having this issue, I think your Google Chrome profile is corrupt and you must create a new Chrome profile.

Before doing this you must backup/export your bookmarks

How to create a new Chrome profile:

  • Exit Google Chrome completely
  • Open Terminal and navigate to ~/.config/google-chrome/
  • Rename/move the Default Folder to Default.Bak using mv Default Default.Bak
  • Launch Chrome and Sign back in to Chrome

If you are on Ubuntu 12, this might be related to Seahorse. You can try resetting Seahorse or simply upgrading to Newer OS

How to reset Seahorse:

  • Open terminal and run the command below
  • rm ~/.local/share/keyrings/login.keyring

Note: Doing this will delete all saved passwords from Seahorse