What do you call it when somone traps you with a question?


Say I am disgusted by you eating chicken because I am a serious vegan. Instead of directly confronting you about it, I would approach you with a question like "awww...isn't this rabbit cute" while showing you a Snapchat of a rabbit. I'd deliberately prepared the clip so I could get you to agree.

Unsuspecting to my intention, you agree and say "awww...thats so cute"

Getting you to where I want, I pounce on you with "but you eat animals"

Thus leading you into a trap.

What do you call this leading into a trap?

Like, if there was a third person (an observant) in this situation and this person could see the my intention...they would warm the non-vegan by saying "be careful it's a ________" or, "be careful s/he is _________ing (you)"

Or if the person caught on to me and asked "what is the intention behind your question?" when presented with the "awww...isnt this rabbit cute?", the third person would say "it's a _____________"

Obviously, "trap" would fill the blanks nicely but it's NOT the word or phrase I'm looking for. I want I more precise word or phrase for this situation.

Thanks in advance!

I think these best fall under the category of "leading questions" That being said, I don't think there is a word for leading questions with the intent of tricking someone, though "gotcha question" seems to fit your examples well.

leading question: A question that prompts or encourages the answer wanted.