Shutdown whole network computers [closed]

Imagine you have network with about 70 computers which work with none-administrator users. What I need is to shutdown whole network or group of computers at once from one computer. I actually found (!NOT TESTED! don't know if it really works or not) some paid software called Remote Computer Manager after research. The questions are

  1. Is there any free/opensource software that can do what I want to do even to none-admin users without any client software (using windows inbuilt functionality etc..)?
  2. WHat do you think about Remote Computer Manager? Is it reliable?

Please tell me both clientless and with client, free solutions that can do this job.

All pc's are using windows XP

Since you are networked, you could make a batch script with all the computer names to run the built in Windows command.

shutdown -m \\COMPUTERNAME -f -t 00

That sends the shutdown command with the following switches:

  • -m requires the "\IDENTIFIER", so that could be IP or computer name
  • Add -r if you want reboot, -s for shutdown
  • -f Forces running applications to close without prompting the user
  • -t is a definition of timing in seconds. so 00 means now.

I just tested it in my small network of 5 and it worked on them all. (Edit: We have XP and 7, so I feel confident to say it'll work on any DOS box since XP).