Why is Windows 7 gone if I change my hard drive?

I just replaced a "broken" hard drive in a Dell Inspiron N5110 laptop and it looks like Windows 7 is gone. Is the operating system saved/stored on the hard drive? If so, does that mean I need to buy a new OS or is there another way? I have a warranty on this computer: could a failed HD be covered?

Solution 1:

Yes, it is stored on the harddrive.

You will need to:

  • Reinstall windows from the DVD you got from Dell (if you ticked that EUR 5 option)
  • Or find someone with the same windows version DVD and borrow that. (that means the Dell OEM version of it, not a non-OEM version)
  • Or download a legal copy of the DVD and use the CoA on your laptop. (That is the sticker with the five sets of numbers and letter).