Skype videocall upside down

I installed Ubuntu 14.04 64bit on an Asus k50fa. When I use the webcam on Skype the video is upside down and on cheese is working fine. The webcam is the one built in with the laptop.

Fix for Skype Video upside Down. My machine is an ASUS 64 bit running Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, I got these commands from some one that posted it and I can't find his name now but it worked. Go to terminal and type:

sudo apt-get install libv4l-0:i386
sudo gedit /usr/share/applications/skype.desktop

edit the Exec= line to make it look like this:

Exec=sh -c 'LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libv4l/ env PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=60 skype %U'

Thats it. Run skype from the launcher by clicking it.

Note: if you run Skype from the terminal, or from the startup applications the web cam will still be upside down. If you really need it to run it from the terminal, i recommend you to create an executable to preload the (to make the flip application and put it in /bin/flip)

Power PC down and bring back up then Skype will be fixed. Your done./ Phil Thanks to the person I got this from just can't find his name at this time.

Since, the Skype version 8 and above is basically a web app, the old trick with libv4l library will no longer work. I've lost many hours to just find out it's not possible anymore.

So since the software solution doesn't exist, I went towards a hardware one. I've bought an external web camera... and it works flawlessly.
Moreover: I finally realized that built-in camera in Asus K-series laptops was of exceptionally low quality. My external one is sooo much better. Finally, after many years, my callers can see me clearly, and more importantly: correctly :-)