Grant admin rights on an application

Solution 1:

I have used RUNASSPC with great success. It allows you to create a short cut to the program with encrypted administrator credentials.

So the program is run with administrative privileges even if started from a normal user account, but the normal user can't (easily) access the administrator credentials.

Many examples are available here.

Solution 2:



Command line tool for starting process in alternate security context. Basically this is a runas replacement. Also allows you to create job files and encode the id, password, and command line in a file so it can be used by normal users.

You can save "jobs" for later. It encrypts the password.

cpau -u joehome\joe -p logon -ex "perl" -enc -file cleanup.job

Creates job file called cleanup.job to run perl script as joehomejoe

cpau -dec -file cleanup.job -lwp

Execute job file cleanup.job


Solution 3:

I think I found what you are looking for, it's a program that is free and it should do what you are hoping to accomplish.


This is intended for a domain admin type setup, but it looks like you can do it locally.

Simply on your administrator side you would build the RAG file (an encrypted file hosing the admin credentials for the client to use). You would set the permission to the file/program available to be run as an admin.

Then you would copy the RAG file over to the non-admin side and install the CLIENT for Runas-GUI. Then import the RAG file and they should, theoretically, have access.