Can I use wired Xbox One controller

Solution 1:

My brother just bought a xbox one controller today and it does not work.

He tried the standard xpad driver as well as the xboxdrv but they apparently do not even recognize the press of a button :(

It's a sad thing to say but no you may not use a wired or wireless Xbox one(360 works absolutely fine) controller with ubuntu RIGHT NOW:

Looking around I was able to find this commit to the Linux kernel xpad driver

That means the work is already done and we have to wait for ubuntu to reach the kernel version that includes this controbution.

It was committed 7 days ago, that means it will probably be included in kernel version 3.18, but I'm absolutely not an expert so my prediction might be worth nothing.

If we are lucky xboxdrv(alternative to the standard driver) will add support soon.

Solution 2:

I've compiled and made debian packages for "3.16.0-rc6" kernel with the xpad xbone controller support. Havent uploaded the packages yet though. Seems to work fine with epsxe.

Linux wepu 3.16.0-rc6 #2 SMP Mon Sep 22 21:16:48 BST 2014 i686 GNU/Linux

w*****h@wepu:~/Downloads/deb$ ls -l
total 373892
-rw-r--r-- 1 w*****h w*****h    966206 Sep 22 21:32 linux-firmware-image-3.16.0-rc6_3.16.0-rc6-2_i386.deb
-rw-r--r-- 1 w*****h w*****h   6536604 Sep 22 21:33 linux-headers-3.16.0-rc6_3.16.0-rc6-2_i386.deb
-rw-r--r-- 1 w*****h w*****h 342097294 Sep 22 22:06 linux-image-3.16.0-rc6_3.16.0-rc6-2_i386.deb
-rw-r--r-- 1 w*****h w*****h  32491312 Sep 22 22:10 linux-image-3.16.0-rc6-dbg_3.16.0-rc6-2_i386.deb
-rw-r--r-- 1 w*****h w*****h    765926 Sep 22 21:33 linux-libc-dev_3.16.0-rc6-2_i386.deb