What Command Would I Use To Give Someone A Stone Pickax Thats called Amazing Man and can break leaves? [duplicate]

I Am Building A Map And I Need A Pickax That Is Called Leaf Breaker And Well Can Only Break Leaves, What Do I Do?

For things like this, you can use a give generator. It makes it easy and does not require command knowledge. Here is the generator I used for this answer.

I will give two commands. One without silk touch that will break leaves but not drop them, and one which will break and drop leaves.

Here is the command without silk touch:

/give @p minecraft:stone_pickaxe 1 0 {display:{Name:"Leaf Breaker"},CanDestroy:["minecraft:leaves","minecraft:leaves2"]}

Here is the command with silk touch:

/give @p minecraft:stone_pickaxe 1 0 {display:{Name:"Leaf Breaker"},CanDestroy:["minecraft:leaves","minecraft:leaves2"],ench:[{id:33,lvl:1}]}